(no subject)

Mar 03, 2008 09:49

Dan's parents are going out of town march 7th for like 2 nights or so
THAT MEANS SLEEPOVER!!!!!!!! Hopefully sexy time will be involved. But I don't know how you can have a sleepover with out sexy time!

Despite not falling asleep until late I still woke up before 10:00. I wanted to switch things up and decided to do my videos instead of walking. So I didn't end up getting ready until like 2:30 because I sat around with my family while they ate, talked to Rose, and made a huge live journal entry.

I had to help my mom put a rug under a bed at this one ladies house at 4:30 and I knew after we were done I'd get to see daniel so I couldn't fucking wait to get that shit done with!

I was literally counting down the hours and doing anything I could to keep myself busy! It seemed like the longest day ever! Seriously SO LONG! woof
[Amanda's barrette]

Finally 4:15 rolled around and we headed to Mt. Prospect to move this carpet muncher. It took like 20 minutes which is a lot less than the hour my mom said it would probably take. Right when I got home I talked to dan and he said he'd head on over!
I was so excited!

I took pictures while I waited for him and had some creepy Lifetime movie on with a psycho woman killer, always good.

Finally after about 10-15 minutes the man showed up, he's a self-proclaimed slow driver. haha

We decided we wanted to actually go out and do something but we couldn't decide what? Kissing kept interrupting but finally around 7:30, 2 hours later, I was hungry so I was like ok we're going to Denny's! It was fun he held my hand in the car and while we walked inside.

the man busted out a hot shirt for yesterdays play date!

Our waiter was a fag, I wrote dirty notes on the place-mats, and after we ate and were just hanging around Tony and some other kid who's name I forget? BUSTED up in Denny's it was hilarious! So after we got our check we headed back to my house for cuddling and kisses <3 but while I was wrapped in some arms I was told he had a question. I really had NO idea what this kid could want to ask? I responded with "OK go ahead" But he was like stalling and going really slow so I suggested he ask in the form of an answer which makes NO sense what-so-ever and he said that wouldn't work because it was a yes or no question. Finally I hear the words "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" come out of his mouth I immediately smiled and hugged him and replied with of course<3 it was so sweet. Def. a good night for sure<333


Off the market bitches.
Fucking sexual
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