Books to buy.

May 15, 2008 21:13

Alright, so the link is on Reddit, but these are the books I need to buy from that list.

01.   Gatsby.  Didn't like it in HS, but I think that's because I didn't give it a fair shot.
02.  The Prince.  Read it, freaked me out.
03.  For Whom the Bell Tolls.  Haven't read it yet.  It mocks me.
04.  Picture of Dorian Gray.  Mocks me.
05.  The Iliad and the Odyssey.  Loved the Odyssey, haven't read the Iliad.
06.  The Master and Margarita.  Sounds like Faust.  Bad ass.
07.  Bluebeard.  Steal from Parents.
08.  The Metamorphosis.  Mocks me.
09.  Another Roadside Attraction.  Mocks me.
10.  White Noise.  Mocks me.
11.  Ulysses.  Mocks me.
12.  The Book of Deeds of Arms and of Chivalry.  I'm into that.  Haven't read it.  It mocks me.
13.  Beyond Good and Evil.  Mocks me.
14.  Moby Dick.  Haven't read it.  It mocks me.
15.  Essential Manners for men.  I've read others, but this one looks alright.
16.  Frankenstein.  Read it a decade and a half ago. 
17.  A Farewell to Arms.  Mocks me.
18.  The Stranger.  I thought I understood it in High School, but I was probably wrong.
19.  The Pearl.  Fucking Brutal.
20.  On the Road.  The Dharma Bums was pretty good, might as well continue.
21.  Paradise Lost.  Mocks me.
22.  Boy Scout Handbook, 1st edition.  I've only read the new ones.  I guess this one is badass?
23.  The American Boys Handy Book.  See above.
24.  The Count of Monte Cristo.  I like Monty Cristo sandwiches.  Maybe the book is good, too.
25.  The Maltese Falcon.  Love that movie.  If the movie is that fucking great, imagine the goddamn book.
26.  Poor Richards Almanac.  Not on the list, but it's good.  Pederast.
27.  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  Mocks me.  NOW WHO MOCKS WHO!!

Note to self:  build a neat bookcase.  Any others I should get?
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