Jun 05, 2004 02:37
i think its a bad sign when you can see better with one eye closed...it seems (although only at the computer...)that my week eye is getting weaker...if this means an eye patch (which i'm sure it won't, but i'm just getting ready...) then i will be forced to become a pirate...so much for that already paid junior year clark tuition my parents sent in-maybe my senior year money can go towards a pirate ship :-P
(its really late or early depending on how you work your day, so that is probably why this is a strange entry.....)
i've had really good online night chats tonight (the reason i wanted to write this)-of course the night started off with the lovely kristin (my lesbian wife) taking the lead (and ps wifey-we are going parasailing AND surfing this summer whether you like it or not!) and then a surpring convo with a long known but new found friend (which clarified some things and made me smile about others-its nice to talk to someone who loves writing and books too ;-)) and of course the nightly nin(tilde)o convo-always brings many many smiles to my face (always so much to say some how-and still so much to come!)
every day seems to surprise me with someone new that makes me smile or a completely random conversation that makes me laugh out loud...those same people often make me think about life and love and what it all means...it's just so funny how life works....