i'm sorry... it's been so long!

Dec 07, 2005 13:00

      jackson 5 is lovebrought to you by the isLove Generator

it's been so long, i apologize.
i'll try to recap everything, though i'm sure i'll miss a lot.

let's see... back in the end of october:
-i finally applied for and established phi eta sigma (our freshman-inducted honor roll) in the list of student organizations
-celebrated the first annual rhombus day with my friend jenny
-finally published the delta omicron website, but it's still a little rough...

in november:
-i got hired and started working at the GAP in wausau
-took a SWEET masterclass with michael spiro
-performed the best concert of my life, Carmina Burana
-went to Thanksgiving dinner with Brian's whole family
-got a new piano student
-won a toboggan from subway with impact rewards
-kicked ASS at the delta omicron colloquium, leading to rosen being proud of me, and me getting brand-spankin' new repertoire, real music, written for marimba, and not only used as learning tools!
-played four concerts in five days

in december:
-had a normal pap and pelvic, where, when checking my glands, my doctor found a lump in my neck
-had to go to a thyroid specialist, where they ordered an ultrasound and biopsy
-had the ultrasound and biopsy, finding a thyroid nodule with a diameter of 2.5 cm (that's pretty big) and two cysts

so now i'm waiting for the nurse to call back with the results of my biopsy. it's probably not cancerous, so i'm not even going to address that, because i don't want to think about it. sadly, even if it's not cancerous, the nodule has to go. if it stays, it will keep growing and eventually stop me from swallowing or breathing. right now, my options are having the nodule shrunk with radiation, or i could have it cut out with surgery. depending on the exact location of the nodule, they might have to remove all or part of my thyroid, which would REALLY suck, because not only would i have a HUGE scar on my neck, i'd have to be on artifical hormones for the rest of my life. sad day! either way, i'll keep you all posted when i hear more about my neck.

that's all for now, kids!

p.s. i'm madly in love. more details to follow.
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