Hows it goin

Nov 07, 2004 06:57

Hey hey..whats goin on? I just got home from tha mall. I got me some new shirts! Only two though cuz it was closing so i aint have much time. Friday i went to Hollys says i should just move in there i said OK! lol but yea anyways friday mike flood and keith came came and picked us up and we went over to Jays house and chilled over there all night and my baby was there!:) It was pretty fun cuz i got to be with my baby for like eight hours so of corse i was happy. Then saturday my baby Zack came and got us in Jays truck cuz his is in tha shop. So saturday we was gonna go see tha grudge but we couldnt get Keiths damn bronco started so we chulled at Jays again and that was fine with me cuz today me steven keith and holly went an saw it and zack couldnt go bcuz he had 2 work..but oh well! So then my mom met me up at tha mall and we went 2 Body Shop and got me two shirts then went to Taco Bell..and boy was it good! now i gotta go back to Hollys to get my sh!t so ima go now alrite Peace!
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