Nov 01, 2004 11:47
Well..this weekend was pretty crazy! So friday night me Holly Keith and Steven all went riding around then they dropped me off at tha movies and then around 11:30 i called my mom to come and pick me up but she said greg had tha car so she had to wait for him to get home so i was like well then im just gonna go with Keith and Holly back to Cody's house and she was like ok ill pick you up whenever so we all went over there and chilled with a hole bunch of people and then my mom came and picked me up around 2:15 in tha morning. Then i came home and went to bed. Then saturday i went to hollys around 4 or sumthing and Keith and Zack came and picked us up and we couldnt find chicos party so Corey called us and we went and picked him up and then he showed us how to get out to chico's house so we chilled there for a little but then we decided to leave so like keiths bronco you gotta puch start and corey and zack got out to push it and there was a bunch of cars n shit it tha way so like three other guys helped push and we got it started and then we just left and drove around till about 1 and then took Corey home and then me and holly went home. Sunday me and holly woke up nd got ready and keith and zack came n picked us up again and we rode over to Steven Lindseys house so he could bleed Keiths brakes and work on tha truck and stuff so all day yesterday we chiled around steven and zacks house while they worked on Mikes headlights and all this stuff. So we all juss chilled and saw a hole bunch of people then i came home around 9:00 and went to bed! So yea im gonna go now ok Bye!