Brigits_Flame Post #1 -- Intro

Jun 30, 2008 02:20

Call me Cole... My... L... Just Cole works. I'm a 27 year-old single male who lives and works in beautiful rural western Massachusetts. I live in a wonderful town-home (read as: big apartment) with 3 of my closest friends. We share this space with 3 cats: Gau, my wonderful little monkey-cat, Elric, the prince of the household, and Mandokir, our little feral scaredy cat. I'm a massage therapist-in-training, paying the bills by working as a supervisor for the largest answering service in the area. I'm good at my job, great at massage, and lead a pretty awesome life.

I am kanaka o'iwi, or native son of Hawaii. I'm very proud of my ancestry, as many of my friends would attest. Great-grandson of both Gladys Brandt and Juliet Rice Wichman, my blood flows deep into the roots of the islands, especially Kauai. The islands have always been Home to me, and I talk about it enough to cause nausea in those who hear my stories more than ten times. It's been 5 years since I've been back, and I miss it more and more with each passing day.

Words have always been a passion of mine, from reading to singing and down to the basics: writing. I've loved writing since the day I learned to type; I had always hated hand-writing things. From short stories to movie scripts, give me a subject and I will author a novel on it, assuming it's a good enough idea.

Here on LJ I'm a maintainer of the community known as drabblelife. It's a quiet little place where people post one-hundred word essays (only one-hundred, no more, no less) to warm up their writing skills. You should check it out.
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