How to make a LeAnna
1 part jealousy
3 parts brilliance
1 part beauty
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Serve with a slice of emotion and a pinch of salt. Yum!
Personality cocktailFrom That's friggen hot, Lisa. :)
REUNION tonight! We find out who dies tonight! :WHOOP!: I sooo want it to be Jenna, because she has no plot, so if it's Sam who dies, I'ma cry. For real.
I did my speech in Comm, and I guess it went pretty well. I got a few compliments which helped boost my confidence. Band is in an hour, then one hour to do homework, then csci (yeah I said it, Lisa) and then REUNION TIME...ahhhh...
I signed up for *next year's* classes. Hehe. I got everything I wanted because I'm just that cool, but I'm
worried about Spanish. I wanted to take Spanish 104 Honors, but it wouldn't let me take if for some unreal reason, so I signed up for Spanish 201 Grammer instead. Horrible I know. I'm gonna talk to the folks at Nezter and see if I can still get in...
Other than sched is as follows (my Spanish will be at the same time regardless which class I take):
-10AM Western Civ I (HIST 100) in the IRC
-11AM Contemporty Issues In Today's Music Marketplace (MUSC 208) in the IRC
-12PM Spanish (SPAN 104.SS or SPAN 201) in either Schumacher or Fitzelle...preferrably in Schumacher
-11AM Physics Lecture (PHYS 100) in the Sci Bldg 1
-12PM Principals of MicroEconomics (ECON 110) in the IRC
-2PM Concert Band in Fine Arts
same as Mon/Fri but add...
-2PM Physics Lab (PHYS 100) in the Sci Bldg 2
And on a totally different note -- I saw ANOTHER new clip from HP4. At the rate I'm going, I'ma see the whole movie before we even go and see it. But it was of Ron so I couldn't resist. It was the part where he dances with McGonagall. I love the look on his face when she says, "Put your hand on my waist." WHERE?!? :) He's so friggen adorable.
Friggen is my new favorite word.
Except for maybe the phrase: "wicked freaking". Used in the context of "That was wicked freaking crazy!" Silly Long Island people look at me like I'm the weirdo. Whatever, you're the one with the accent.