Looking for Participants in a Study!

Sep 07, 2010 10:48

Hello everybody!

I haven't posted in here before, and I'm in the States, but I was referred over this way by another LJ member :) I'm working on a study with my professor (Dr. James Kaufman) and we are trying to get more LGBTQ people involved. If you would like to take part, more information and the links to two surveys are below.

This one relates to college admissions (so ideally, we're looking for college students, 18 years old and over).

This one is more about gender.

These aren't 15 minute surveys, so if you do want to take part, please allow yourself enough time to complete the survey. Of course, it is completely optional and you can quit at any time, but complete surveys are preferred. Also, this is completely anonymous in that we cannot tie your information back to you, so if you're afraid of being identified, you don't need to be :)

As before, if you have any questions or concerns, or want to hear the outcome of the study upon completion, please email me at whita309@csusb.edu.

Thank you!

(*mods, hope this is okay!)
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