Title: On Attraction
semiroseFandom: Doctor Who
Pairing/characters: Mickey/Jake
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Really don't own Who or the characters
Prompt: 514 - Doctor Who, Mickey/Jack and Mickey/Jake, Mickey always considered himself straight, but he seems to be racking up exceptions to that rule and he's not sure what to think of it.
Summary: Mickey leaves his world one person and comes back another.
Author's Notes: Thanks to
unrequited_rain for the last minute beta!
It’s not that Mickey had a problem with people being gay, far from it really, it’s just not something he’d ever thought to label himself with. He’d kissed a boy or two in experimentation stages before Rose came along and occupied him for years and all (most) thoughts of other men went away. And even when Rose left he didn't go to a guy, he'd gone to the next comfortable thing. Nope, he'd always thought of himself as a straight guy who, like most straight guys, had kissed a few guys.
Which is why he was surprised that although the desire to help and have a meaningful place in the parallel world was there; the desire to be near Jake was a major factor in deciding to stay.
"I'm not gay," he'd declared after the first time they'd kissed, sitting in their van in Paris watching the building they'd blown up burn. Jake had looked stricken for a moment and then smiled sadly. "Rickey said that too, but he actually meant it." Jake had stared at Mickey for a moment and then asked softly, "do you mean it?"
That had given Mickey a pause. The kisses of school boys hadn't meant anything really, and that one kiss with Captain Cheesecake had been more of a joke for him although Mickey had liked it more than he'd expected. And the one time with The Doctor, well that was really just proving a point to Rose wasn't it. Now that he thought about it he'd kissed quite a few guys. Maybe more than girls considering the majority of his experience was with Rose, and then being hung up on Rose, and waiting for Rose. But this wasn't about her. It was about guys. And Jake. And being gay.
"I don't know." Mickey said eventually, "and I don't know that I care." Mickey grinned and gave Jake another kiss. Jake smiled back and his eyes flicked toward the back of the van. Mickey rolled his eyes and started climbing back there, he might not have much experience with guys, but he knew that look. And blowing up buildings was certainly stimulating.
It hadn't taken long for Mickey to decide that while he wasn't gay and wasn't attracted to men in general, Jake fell in a different category. Traveling around the world, playing secret agent men, having sex, it was a good life. So of course it had to be turned upside down. By the one person who could always destroy his life.
"Are you going back to her?"
In typical fashion, they had their serious conversations while killing things or destroying buildings or stealing something. This time it was an underground complex in South America that was stockpiling alien debris and conducting experiments with them that involved controlling minds.
It was the question he'd been asking himself since Rose had exploded back into his life and until now he hadn't had an answer, but looking at Jake while shooting amoral scientists Mickey knew the answer.
"Why would I do that? There's no place else I'd rather be."
Holding Jake in his arms, trying to staunch the blood flowing from his body was the most traumatic thing Mickey had ever been through. He'd thought nothing could top finding his grandmother at the bottom of the stairs, but as Jake's eyes turned glassy Mickey knew this was the worst thing he'd ever go through.
"Please don't," Mickey whispered, his eyes stinging from the tears he had no problem letting fall. It was so stupid, they'd done this so many times. Jake couldn't be going like this, he just couldn't.
"I'm sorry," Jake whispered and managed a weak grin. "Wish you'd...stayed straight?"
"I'm not gay," Mickey said back. "Just in love with you." Mickey leaned down and kissed Jake and felt him weakly responding for a moment before Jake went limp and Mickey swore he felt life leaving Jake.
"No no nononono," Mickey whispered cradling Jake's body, letting his tears run freely. Out, he had to get out, had to get Jake's body out and back home. Mickey steeled himself and worked to finish the job and get home. Alone.
Choosing to stay with Captain Cheesecake and his merry gang hadn't been hard at all. After Jake died Mickey threw himself into helping Rose figure out how to get back to their original reality and fix all the things that were going wrong and the thought of going back to the place he'd been happy and a hero and always reminded of what he'd had was just not appealing. Besides, Jack's gang wasn't so merry at the moment anyway and Mickey found it fit his mood.
The first time Mickey saw Jack and Ianto interacting he'd had to run out of the room. The easy back and forth, the obvious affection, it was too much. Too close.
"See something you didn't like?" Jack asked. His tone was casual but Mickey could see he was testing. Assuming that it was their relationship Mickey had reacted to.
"Just something that reminded me of what I can't have," Mickey said absently, thoughts of Jake still running through his head. Of how they used to act while planning for missions, of what they'd get up to before, during, and after. So much of his life the past few years had been defined by Jake and he still couldn't get used to not having him.
He’d been so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Jack until he was right there, staring at him, reassessing him.
“His name was Jake,” Mickey said to the unasked question he saw in Jack’s eyes.
“So you’re into guys now?”
Jack had moved very close after Mickey’s confession and was looking at Mickey speculatively.
Mickey wasn’t blind, the first time he’d met Jack he’d noticed how attractive the man was, although he’d chalked it up to jealousy. That hadn’t changed in the years since then and while watching him with Ianto had brought up memories of Jake, he’d still noticed how very pretty Ianto was. Jake had been Jake just like Rose was Rose and maybe…maybe he just didn’t care.
“Yeah I guess I am,” Mickey said before moving away from Jack. “Now go back to your boyfriend, I’m sure he’s missing you.”
Jack was still studying Mickey and Mickey found he couldn’t leave while Jack was looking at him like that.
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you joined us.”
Mickey smiled and followed Jack out of the room. Old world, new life, and maybe it was time to move on.