Title: No Place to Hide
alhazredFandom: Generation Kill / Metal Gear Solid
Pairing/characters: Fick, Colbert, Person
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not for profit; Metal Gear Solid © Kojima Productions/Konami, G-Kill © HBO/Evan Wright et al.
Prompt: #70 - Any fandom, any characters, any story where there is a character in the closet both literally and figuratively.
Summary: SERE: Survival, Evasion, Rescue, Escape. Being gay in the military is hard enough, being gay in the military and a POW is even worse...even if it's just a drill.
Warnings: Torture, but not very explicit and not very nightmarish, content wise. It's not even half as bad as, say, 24.
Author's Notes: This is a crossover, but it's largely G-Kill centric save for a couple minor characters and one small scene. This is also the third part of a series I've been working on, the first two can be found
Here and
Here, but this fic should easily stand alone, and is a prequel to the others anyway. Inspired by an episode of The Unit.
Divided for length:
No Place to Hide, Part 1 No Place to Hide, Part 2 No Place to Hide, Part 3