Title: Revenge Is A Dish
Author: "colacancol"
Fandom: Dexter
Pairing/characters: Dexter Morgan/'The Two Seans'
Rating: (18) spoilers for 'Crocodile'
Prompt: 242. Dexter finds out that sexuality is a lot more fluid than he thinks.
Disclaimer: It's fiction (though one can hope!) and I don't own them (that's Showtime's job) though I do own the story so if you want to use it for anything, feel free but leave my name on it and let me know *grins*
Summary: Dexter doesn't approve of Deb's dates messing her around - where most friends and relatives might go over to their homes, rough them up a bit, and leave - our serial killer has a slightly different approach. He solves the problem permanently, and in the process tries a life like Deborah, and tries to see what she sees in these unreliable men.
Warnings: Killing, mild necro/cannibalism
"Revenge Is A Dish" )