Title: As the Sparks Fly Upward
raedbardFandom: The West Wing
Pairing/Characters: Toby Ziegler, Sam Seaborn, Andrea Wyatt, C.J. Cregg, two OMCs. Toby/Sam, Toby/Andrea, Toby/OMC
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: c. 8,700 words
Disclaimer: All the characters herein belong to Aaron Sorkin and John Wells. I am not Sorkin, not Wells. Don't sue?
Prompt: #30: Any fandom, any character, the concept of a safe space such as a men's bathroom where it's acceptable to have gay sex, but denying homosexuality/bisexuality outside that space.
Summary: Worrying about disgracing himself and the President of the United States doesn't mean Toby doesn't need an outlet, particularly when his marriage is falling apart and it turns out that there are people around who know him much better than he thought.
Warnings: A small amount of physical violence.
Author's Notes: Title is from Job 5.7: "Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward."
As the Sparks Fly Upward