Title: In My Beginning is My End
Author: siDEADde
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing/characters: Alice/Bella/Edward
Rating: T
Disclaimer: All characters in the story belong to Stephenie Meyer. No copywrite infringement is intended. Title is a quote by T.S. Eliot. Again with the copywrite infringement.
Prompt: While in a holding cell in Italy, Alice confesses to Bella that she had always loved her. The girls discover that their strength together as friends has always been fueled by more.
Summary: What could be more horrible than being separated from the one you love?
Warnings: Violence perhaps?
Author's Notes:
This is my first attempt at a stylized short. I modeled this a bit after some of my favorite shorts by O'Connor, Gaiman, and Jackson. I will say that it is nowhere near the quality, but I'm getting a little better with each go.
Thanks to my fantastical betas
tnuccio and
mysticgirl5 , and the tips and support from
smellyia and
rennaise .
(link goes to my journal)
(In My Beginning is My End)