Title: Roots and Wings
Author: Daybreak
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica 2003
Characters/Pairing: Kara/Caprica
Spoilers: Set between Someone to Watch Over Me and Islanded in a Stream of Stars
Rating: PG-13, Fake swearing, one real swear word, and outmaking
Disclaimer: I don’t own these people. RDM does. I make no money, just write for fun.
Prompt #245: Battlestar Galactica, Kara Thrace, She can out-drink, out-smoke, and damn well out-fly anybody anywhere, and she's damn proud of it. What she's not proud of, is the fact that she hid her feelings for other women so stupid frakkin' *male* idiots wouldn't have yet *another* reason to try and take her on. Now, she's got nothing to lose and she's not hiding anymore.
Summary: She closed her eyes and tried to remember how they’d gotten to this place.
Alpha and Beta readers:
siljamus and
millari AN: My first effort at femslash.