The Tomorrow People: ". . . And I'm Feeling Good" by purple_bug

May 15, 2008 19:17

Title: ...And I'm Feeling Good
Author: purple_bug
Fandom: The Tomorrow People
Pairing/characters: Original Character, Elena, Paul, John Dixon, TIM
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts from the Big Finish audio productions of 'The Tomorrow People', which are based in turn on the 1970s television series of the same name, created by Roger Price and produced by Thames Television.
Prompt: #785. A new Tomorrow Person breaks out in the 21st century, with the help of Elena or Paul. Having encountered homophobic attitudes from his/her family and school friends, the new TP is reluctant to come out to his/her new friends, but when Paul/Elena shares a secret, it's made a lot easier.
Summary: Breaking out is one thing. Coming out is a lot more difficult when it doesn't look like there's anyone on your side.
Warnings: Use of derogatory slang.
A/N: Set in 2003, some time between The Curse of Kaaven and Alone.

...And I'm Feeling Good

fandom: the tomorrow people

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