"Belonging" by helenkacan, SGA, Rodney/Ronon

Jun 11, 2010 17:15

Title: “Belonging”
Author: helenkacan / Helena K.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing/characters: Rodney McKay/Ronon Dex; other named or anonymous characters from SGA canon
Word Count: 6,012 words
Rating: FRT/PG13
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the SGA characters. They are the property of their creators and copyright holders. This is a work of fiction and not for profit.
Written for lgbtfest
Prompt 3156: Stargate Atlantis; Ronon Dex/Rodney McKay.
By accident, Rodney learns that Ronon is having problems going beyond the kissing stage when dating women. After seven years as a Runner, he had ruthlessly suppressed his physical desire in order to survive. Rodney wants to help his friend and offers to teach him to enjoy his body again. When Ronon decides he is ready to try being with a woman, he realizes that his body already knows whom he really wants.
Summary: The Pegasus galaxy had changed Rodney. Yes, he'd done the selfless thing when Jeannie had been kidnapped, but that was because she was his sister and, yes, he loved her. He didn't expect to feel this generous again - so soon anyway - and compelled to offer to help Ronon with his problem.
Warnings: None. Really. Well, okay, some swears. A tiny flash of undescribed nudity.
Author's Notes: This is my first-ever McDex. The prompt called out to me (isn't that the best kind).
Bonus sequel: “Odd Man Out”, from John Sheppard's POV, found here: http://helenkacan.livejournal.com/442194.html.
Musical eccentricities: ::giggles:: Here be Canadian musical references. And stuff written by Dead White Guys, lol.

Posting date: June 12
Author's apology re posting date: I just moved and still don't have internet access reconnected. Today was the only day I could reliably expect to be able to post. So, please accept this post just a few hours ahead of schedule.

Read it here: http://helenkacan.livejournal.com/442093.html#cutid1

fandom: stargate atlantis

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