Title: Anatomy of a Time of Love
raedbardFandom: The West Wing
Pairing/characters: Toby Ziegler/Sam Seaborn, Andrea Wyatt, Josh Lyman, Molly Wyatt-Ziegler, Huck Wyatt-Ziegler, Sam's father, and a few OCs.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The West Wing, all its characters and its copyright, belong to Aaron Sorkin and John Wells. I'm not them. I'm just playing around for fun, not for profit.
Prompt: #3532, The West Wing, Sam Seaborn/Toby Ziegler, Toby dedicates his book "For S." and nothing else. It's not a coming out story with flags and fanfare, but they aren't that sort of men.
Summary: Boy meets boy, loses boy, may or may not get boy back again. Toby has written his book, so now it is time for Sam to write his own account. It's not what a love story usually looks like, but it is one anyway.
Warnings: No warnings.
Author's Notes: Thanks due to
amy_vic, because she offered. :) <3 And to
black_eyedgirl because she left the prompt in the first place. <3
Anatomy of a Time of Love, on Livejournal,
on DreamWidth,
and on AO3.