Title: Losing Streak
skew_whiffFandom: M*A*S*H
Pairing/characters: George Weston; a little speculative Hawkeye/Trapper
Rating: PG for medical goriness
Disclaimer: Not my property, not for profit.
Prompt: M*A*S*H (TV'verse), Private George Weston, the idea of going back to his unit, knowing that they know, is terrifying. The idea of not going back is
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I'm glad you like my username! I also adore Black Canary and Ollie. And yeah, I can see them being friends. -also makes a note-.
It's also not often I find people who like comics and M*A*S*H... so I think I ought to friend you! :D
Thanks for the friending! I should warn you, I don't actually talk about comics and M*A*S*H that much on my journal - but then again, that's partially because most of my f-list don't have those interests, so obviously something should be done to rectify that. And looking at your journal, I just saw that you wrote Owen Mercer/Len Snart, which is possibly my favourite so-wrong-it's-right pairing, so I'm totally friending you back.
Also, I died reading the entry of "Jay Garrick's Hat" in your interests section-- but I totally agree. :D
I can't believe I'm the only person on LJ with 'Jay Garrick's Hat' listed as an interest. I love that damn hat, in all its incredible impracticality.
Actually, if you don't care much about current DC canon, I can give you a ton of recommendations. ^_^
And yeah, that's a grievous affront, no one else having it listed. It's surely a thing of absolute awesome. :D
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