Title: Old War Buddies
tania_singsFandom: M*A*S*H*
Pairing/characters: Hawkeye/Trapper
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own M*A*S*H* or its characters; they are the property of their copyright holders.
Prompt: 343. Any fandom, any male character, Physically, women are the hottest thing ever. Emotionally, he has always connected better with men. Finally, he decides to try the physical with someone he's emotionally close to, and realizes the truth.
Summary: Decades after they first met, Hawkeye and Trapper see what's changed and what hasn't.
Warnings: Explicit sexual experimentation between older men. Spoilers for Season Three of M*A*S*H*, but if you haven't seen it by now... ;)
Author's Notes:
I'm working from the assumption that Hawkeye and Trapper were both around 30 when they first met, making them about 60 when this takes place.
I've lived in Korea and both Itaewon and "Homo Hill" are real places that I've visited. However, I was never there in the eighties, so I'm only guessing what things might have been like then. Also, my Korean is extremely badly romanized. My apologies if you try it out in Seoul and get stark incomprehension or hysterical laughter.
An unusual level of thanks to my wonderful beta reader. She knows why!
Read it at my lj: