Title: It’s Not A Sandwich
seiberwingFandom: Ace Attorney
Pairing/characters: Dick Gumshoe/Miles Edgeworth, Tyrell Badd, The Chief, OCs
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The Ace Attorney series and all related characters and settings belong to Capcom.
Prompt: 133. Any cop fandom, any character. Being LGBT does not automatically make one an expert on all related topics, but the rest of the team/squad seems to think it should.
Summary: Gumshoe has a hard enough time just doing his job. He doesn’t need people expecting him to know about all this complicated LGBT business just because he’s dating Mr. Edgeworth.
Warnings: Your usual Ace Attorney dose of murder and convoluted plots, nothing you wouldn’t find in the game itself.
Canon Note: Takes place before Ace Attorney Investigations with no spoilers or references to game events, although one character is taken from that particular game because he fit the position I was going to devote to an OC. Besides, it’s Badd. He’s awesome. I had to put him in.
Author’s Note: This fic contains a number of inaccuracies related to the real-world legal system and I fully admit to their purposeful existence. This is a canon where one can cross-examine parrots, assault the judge with a whip, and use random stuff you picked off the ground as legitimate evidence, the AA legal system can pretty much do whatever it wants to in order to get the plot done. Thanks to
alanahikarichan and
flight_wo_wings for being my betas.
It's Not A Sandwich)