"Episodes" 2.1 and 2.2 (a two-parter) are now completely outlined. I'm pleased with 2.1; it's a nice 16 scenes long and gets to the "to be continued" break point rather nicely. But I had a lot of trouble with 2.2. First, I couldn't find enough story to get to the minimum 15 scenes; then I was trimming to keep it under the maximum 18. I've got it done, but chances are good I'm going to revisit it.
Jane Espenson's blog has some
good advice about plotting today. Even though I'm going to be writing these in prose, it might help me if I wrote out the different story threads instead of trying to do a braided outline. It might at least keep me from taking two weeks to do two "episodes," and it might help me figure out why I had so much trouble in the one area.
I also wrote out what I think is going to be my next 100 Situations piece for E2, but I'm not entirely happy with it either, so I'm going to let it rest overnight and see how I feel in the morning. Right now, though, I'm tired. I love writing fic, but boy can it ever put you through the mental wringer.