Title: in the early morning
abby82Category: missing scene
Rating: Explicit for sexual situations
Characters: Michael, Nikita
Pairing: Michael/Nikita
Word Count: 3,743
Author's Note: Do I need every single moment of Michael and Nikita's relationship depicted on the show? No, but I definitely would have preferred that a little more of their courtship be shown. I also didn't appreciate feeling like I blinked and missed something important when I saw the opening teaser to the season 3 episode "All Good Things." Michael, clearly naked and waking up in Nikita's bed. And I definitely would have liked to have seen a little more of what transpired as the opening teaser ended. This fan wants to see her OTP have some happy sexy times together. Someone show me Michael's moves damn it! So, that's what this is. Michael and Nikita completely glowy at the beginning of their relationship before the show throws all the obstacles in their way.
Summary: The early morning sun casts Nikita's bedroom with a warm, golden hue.
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