Title: Meet Me, RM. 305F
abby82Category: missing scene for lseason 3 finale "On Borrowed Time"
Rating: Explicit for sexual situations
Characters: Michael, Nikita
Pairing: Michael/Nikita
Word Count: 6925
Author's Note: This is a simple "What if..." scenario with some good ol' fashioned smut. Oh the heady rush of Michael and Nikita finally getting together. It didn't last long because this is Section and we're not allowed to have nice things. Yet, Michael and Nikita being defiant in the face of Section and meeting clandestinely is so delicious. It fills me with such forbidden love feels. I love it so much and wished we'd gotten more. The season 3 finale "On Borrowed Time" is a wonderful episode. From the incredibly sexy but restrained yearning of them meeting during the pre-credits sequence to the heartbreaking devastation of the final scene, it's just so perfect. Madeline's line to Nikita about her having made the most of her final meeting with Michael just before we start the Gelman rollercoaster arc really struck me. It saddened me because she was just on her way to meet Michael. Like a lot of my LFN stories, I just wanted to give these two just a little more time together and have them have that last time together.
Summary: "Whenever your last meeting with Michael was, I hope you made the most of it."
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