Title: Thought But Never Said
Rating: R
Characters: Paul/Madeline
Word Count: 3,330
Summary: Set during 'Three Eyed Turtle', between the confrontation with George in the hangar and Operations' meeting with him the next morning.
Warnings: As it's set during Three Eyed Turtle, I probably don't need to tell anyone reading that there's going to be
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Comments 8
This is fabulous and perfect and beyond my capability to describe right now because I'm just so bowled over.
You write beautifully (!!), and you capture them so perfectly that it makes my heart ache. I'll be back to give you more (less flaily, more thoughtful) feedback later (once I've had a chance to reread and savor this).
Also, it's my first and probably only LFN fic
I hope not the only one!
First of all, I think the writing style you chose works incredibly well. It suits the character perfectly, and it also reflects the nature of the show itself (and this episode in particular), where everything almost always meant something other than what appeared on the surface.
I can't see them as people who rely on hope very often, if ever, but at that point, they had to have believed that things were finally going to change for them, for the better. It's almost heartbreaking, in a way
It *is* heartbreaking when you look at it like that. That's why this story really got to me the way it did: you've taken this moment and really deepened it!
I really look forward to reading more from you, whether in this fandom or any other!
I came late to LFN (the show and the fiction) though not quite as late as you!) so I understand the gobsmacked sensation.
I like the idea of the paper notes -- there's another story somewhere that toys with the idea, but you've made a very realistic and detailed job of it.
And the parenthetical stuff -- just excellent!
I'm glad the paper notes thing came across well. It was pestering me ever since I randomly stumbled across the LFN IMDB page and saw the 'Trivia' fact that no one ever uses paper inside of Section One. While there are plenty of good reasons for that, it made me wonder how many things happened outside of the computer system that they just never saw because they weren't really looking anymore.
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