Some catching up..

Jun 15, 2009 14:01

I guess I should attempt to do some catching up since I haven't posted in a while.. though it's not going to be anything great...

#165 Covert

Yeah.. I've got nothing on this topic.. I guess I'm not much of a covert type of person.. much too uncoordinated and clumsy to attempt any kind of covert operations XD That would be a complete and utter disaster I'm sure..

I guess the most covert type of thing I've ever attempted was taking photos of people while they weren't looking haha like at their backs or something.. ah well..

#166 Soul mate

I don't really believe in soul mates.. at least, not the type of soul mate where it's one person on the whole planet that you're supposed to marry and be with forever..

I believe that you can have connections with people and relate well with some people more than others so I guess if you want to call that being soul mates then fine.. but I don't think it's something where if you didn't marry your soul mate that you would be depressed or never happy or would have your life ruined if they died or something..

I also think if there were such thing as soul mates you could have more than one.. that's my thought on the matter anyway.. I'm no expert of course but I think soul mates refers more to friends than lovers.. right? I mean like your best friends are sort of soul mates right? bah.. I hate that term tho.. it just seems so definite and out of your control.. I think God brings people into your life but I'm not sure that there are certain predestined people that are your "soul mates".. I know I'm rambling and might be somewhat contradictory but I guess I just don't know how to explain it.. I mean you choose who you're friends with and who you marry.. and you decide if you're going to get along with someone or not.. sure there are people you seem more drawn to than others I guess but I dunno..

I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts on this topic tho

#167 Absurd

Definition of absurd:

-adjective 1. utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false: an absurd explanation. -noun 2. the quality or condition of existing in a meaningless and irrational world.
so basically.. my life = absurd haha.. that makes me laugh but it's a bit true.. I think that absolutely everything I ever think of has a bit of the absurd wrapped up in it.. my thoughts and ideas on things seem to be a bit off.. and I definitely have some absurd ideas about things haha just ask Carey.. he doesn't know where I come up with stuff sometimes and neither do I really but yeah.. somewhere along the path of my life I've picked up some pretty ridiculous ideas..

anyways.. sorry this is so lame.. It's difficult for me to put a lot of thought into these right now.. I still feel a bit depressed sometimes.. though not as bad as before.. it just leaves me completely drained.. I don't feel like I can do anything creative at all right now.. so.. I've just been reading a lot.. books and fruits basket manga haha

Janelle, I have another absurd thought haha it's odd but when I read fruits basket it reminds me of Brent and Christian haha I don't know why but I think of Yuki as like Christian because he's all serious and quiet and I dunno.. I guess Kyou is Brent.. maybe not haha but I just picture them as kind of being like them a little.. like all crazy attractive and I dunno what makes me think of them but yeah.. haha weird right? Maybe it's because I only ever hear of them and don't really know them.. makes it seem like they're characters from a book or something

speaking of weird stuff.. I had this crazy insane dream the other night which seemed like it would be something from some kind of book or movie or something.. I don't even know how to explain it but it was sort of scary haha I was with this group of people and we were in some sort of system of caves that were old and sort of crumbly and there were like deep holes and stuff in places where you could fall and on one side was a cliff that fell into the ocean or something..

anyway we were walking through it and came to some old sort of cage thing that used to be for monkeys?? I'm not sure how we knew that but they were like giant monkeys but they were all dead or gone or something.. then the dream changed and it was like we were being chased by some bad people.. like orcs or something.. and they had dragons that they used to try to catch us.. only the dragons would sleep during the day but they would use them at night and ride on their backs and try to get us.. anyways we like snuck down to where some dragon was and made friends with it and it started to help us or something.. anyways then I woke up so.. it was a bit weird but yeah.. apparently I tend to dream about mythical type things haha vampires and werewolves and dragons and whatnot..

In other news.. I have to go meet with an academic advisor or whatever tomorrow to figure out which classes to sign up for.. I have to register soon.. can't wait to get that over with and have everything all ready to go.. I procrastinate a lot for someone who doesn't like having things hanging over my head.. but fortunately a meeting time sort of forces me to get with it.. I even forgot about it today so geez.. glad I remembered in time.. it's at noon tomorrow so I have to actually wake up at a decent time and leave by 11 haha

I also need to find a family doctor *sigh* not for any particular reason really.. just should probably have one.. it's still so odd to me to be able to go to the doctor whenever you want and not have to pay for anything.. it makes me feel a bit guilty like I'm stealing something.. ah well.. I mean technically you do pay for it with taxes but still.. .. so that's one more thing that I should stop putting off and just do..

I'm having a difficult time taking pictures lately too.. I think it's the lack of new material.. I'm tired of taking pics of the same things and the same places.. I really want to go to a different beach or park but it seems like we never end up doing it.. but I really want to! So hopefully sometime soon.. anyway.. I guess that's it for now.. nothing else new.. dishes.. laundry.. cleaning.. walking around here.. nothing really going on at all..

sunday scribblings

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