Two Things... A New Questionaire!

Nov 06, 2005 08:17

It's been a long time since I've seen a good questionaire. I couldn't resist digging into this one. Ya never know what new info will be unearthed in these things! :)

Two Names You Go By
1. Larry. It's a shortened version of my legal name, Lawrence.
2. Luke. From my bear-porn past. It was also the first name that my parents considered giving me.

Two Parts of Your Heritage
1. Italian/German. Fun hybrid, eh? :)
2. Blue-collar, which is as crucial to my overall being as is my nationality.

Two Things That Scare You
1. Being homeless. It's probably my greatest fear in life.
2. Closed spaces. I'm insanely claustrophobic!

Two of Your Everyday Essentials
1. Coffee. And lots of it!
2. My man. Dunno what I'd do without him! :)

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now
1. Boxers, with big green and blue polkadots! :)
2. Eyeglasses.

Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artists (at the moment)
1. Robbie Williams. His new album is truly amazing, especially the song "Ghosts."
2. Tim McGraw. I've been having so much fun digging through his back catalogue and discovering so many great songs.

Two Things You Want in a Relationship (other than Real Love)
1. Friendship.
2. Trust.

Two Truths
1. My dream/desire to be a big star is based strongly in a need for love... love that I didn't get during my formative years.
2. I think about sex roughly every six and a half minutes. Now if only I could actually have it that often! hehehe...

Two Physical Things that Appeal to You
1. Expressive eyes.
2. Strong hands and forearms.

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies
1. Collecting CDs and DVDs.
2. Reading.

Two Things You Want Really Badly
1. Financial security. I spend more time worrying about money than almost anything else.
2. Freedom to live beyond formal structure... a funny thing for a guy like me, who is so uber-structured by choice.

Two Places You Want to go on Vacation
1. Italy
2. Hawaii

Two Things You Want to Do Before You Die
1. Transform myself into a great outdoorsman. All I need to do is overcome a lifetime of fear and clumsiness!
2. Build the ultimate house that is one-part luxury palace and one-part rustic ranch.

Two Ways that you are stereotypically a Chick/Guy
1. I burp, fart, and scratch myself at whim (guy).
2. I am known to squeal with audible delight when I hear my favorite song (gay guy! hehehe)

Two Things You Normally Wouldn't Admit
1. I am increasingly conservative as I grow older. I'm nowhere near Bush territory, but I'm no longer as do-whatcha-want about most issues in life.
2. I am often so nervous/anxious that I feel like I live on the verge of freaking out 80-90% of the time.

Two Things You Are Thinking About Now
1. How much I miss my boyfriend. Thank goodness, he'll be here in a few weeks.
2. How I'm going to juggle this week's MANY tasks and still have a little time just for me.

Two Stores You Shop At
1. Shelly's supermarket.
2. Virgin Megastore.

Two people I would like to see take this quiz
1. RedCub
2. GranDiva

Two people I haven't talked to in a while (emailing and LJing doesn't count, right?)
1. Wayne, a good friend here in NYC who has a totally opposite schedule to mine. I miss him a LOT.
2. Connie, a pal from my dance-music/Billboard days who spends a lot of her life in Greece these days. I call her my soul-sister. We always seems to know what the other is thinking and feeling, no matter where we are in life. I need to call her.
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