Oct 17, 2005 06:03
One of the cool things about keeping a journal is that feedback it allows. Quite honestly, I don't know what I'd do without the interaction I've had with the friends I've made it.
Soooo... to that end, I'm stepping forward and asking for some help with a couple of new features I've got going on during my morning show on Sirius/OutQ. The first: "Daily Dilemmam," where we pose a question of ethics, romance, friendship, sex, etc. and open it up to discussion on the air. I've already got a few from other folks. Here are a couple of examples: How do you tell your future wife about your gay past? What do you when an email you've written about your dislike for a co-worker lands in his/her hands?
If you have any cool questions you'd like for us to tackle on the air, please either leave them here or email me privately (LFlick@siriusradio.com)
ALSO... Our new Labors of Love feature is off to a good start. This is where we spotlight clubs, organizations, or individuals who are doing cool and helpful things in the world. I got all of the stuff noted in my journal last week on the air, and we're going to further plug those folks and efforts on the OutQ web site. If you're doing something interesting (fundraising, hosting events, anything proactive and fun), please leave a note here or email me.
Back to more personal postings later. I appreciate any input you have on this!
Have a fab day! xo