Huzzah for the return of were a bit cack from time to time last year, but I missed your crack ficcy, shagalotic, plot holey, dodgy skience, fun. And the "yeah baby!!" that is Jack.
If you have the Beeb you have ALL John Barrowman ALL THE TIME. But he ain't Jack. Never has it been so easy for me to divorce the attractiveness of a character from that of an actor before. Hence despite the plethora of all singing, all dancing, all cooking, gardening, dry walling, JB...tonight felt like ending a drought.
Shall be quick! But a definite thumbs up for a fun start.
Only really plot holey bit was the DNA needle in the heart, which really can't be good for one, and which was...huh? in terms of making any sense at all. But we shall let that pass, for it was only minorly dodgy in the scheme of things. For was far more good here than anything else.
First and foremost a big ass "Yay!!" for James Marsters!! Worked really well with both JB and Eve Myles and brought that lovely sharp spot on delivery to everything. Yes John was very pre-soul Spike-like amoral, with attendant snarkiness and expanded sexual appetites, but Spike is teh love and so was Capt. John. Shame he couldn't hang about, but at least he'll be back. :D
Maybe his presence inspired Russell and Co to more Joss like levels of one liners, banter and visual gags, as well as spreading the screen time through an ensemble better cuz this was a definite improvement all around. Knew it was coming but nice one for openly acknowledging and making a joke of the Unit's crapness in terms of secrecy. Jack/John were class in terms of dialogue, and Ianto actually had screen presence beyond brooding eye candy, he can do one liners and ain't bad at comic eye rolls, who knewz?!
Speaking of increased screen presence. "Gwen In Charge" worked quite well. Sort of felt like mid second season Angel there for a bit when said vamp buggered off to do his own thing and on his return got sent to the bottom of the pile in Angel Inc. by a pissed off Cordy, Wes 'n Gunn who had struggled on valiantly alone. Joss kept Angel penitent and off the top of the heap for a full season, but can't see Russell ever doing that to one of his boys so Jack shall be 'teh man' again by next week. Pity, sorta, as being in charge actually suited Gwen in that she didn't seem useless (even if she did get paralysed for a quarter of the show), got everyone to pull together, was willing to sacrifice herself for the good of all without any dewey eyed mistyness, and was a lot nicer to Ianto as a boss then Jack ever was....though as the least experienced one who knows how she ended up on top!
As for the interoffice relations, *so* knew it was going this way...Jack/Ianto may be the current office romance...but they are continuing (and building on) playing Jack/Gwen as the real UST / Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name (ironically). They will never act upon will be all hand/face porn and big eyes...but see that shall just make it all the more Rosemantic and "DRAMATIC"...and angsty...and pure!! And make her engagment/marriage to Rhys all the more ouchy to watch. For Gwen loves 'em both you see, but just in different ways. Might as well just call her Guinevere really...Rhys is Arthur, kind, good, trusting a bit of a homebody...Jack is Lancelot, the *almost* perfect knight with the perfect bum out galivantin' around on his quest to serve and save the world. Guess that makes Ianto, Elaine really. *snort* Tosh and Owen are still ticking under I see, with Owen actually seeming to start to take some notice of the girl. Tosh...Listen to Cpt.John, Brains and Beauty, shoo... you can do better!!
Gwen pushing Jack on his past sets the tone for this year, along with the final revelation from Cpt John. Tis all about Jack's mysterious background this time around, and bring it on sez I! BTW my early bet is that Jack has/had a brother.... can we get Alexis Denisof in the show, plz?