Oct 10, 2006 07:38
Oh golly. We're still trying to figure out where David is going to school. We observed the center for the Highly gifted program last Monday.
I'm not completely sold on it for a couple of reasons:
1. David doesn't like the Reading class that he would be put in. The class is too chaotic for his tastes.
2. The principal is not sold on David coming into her school. I feel that David needs an enviroment that completely welcomes him as much as he needs to be there.
He did like one math class that he observed. It was the more advanced math class. He loved it, because he felt that it was challenging. The other reason why he hated the other two classes(one math and one reading) is that he felt that he knew what they were doing already. I can't say that I blame him for that. A bus ride is seldom worth it, if a child feels that he or she is not getting out of it what they have to put into it.(Marginal costs versus Marginal returns. . .I did absorb a lot in my Economics classes. I know that he won't enjoy himself if he has to put into it more than he feels that he's getting out of it.)
They are also talking about sticking him in a middle school math class in the morning. Then, he would go back to Wheaton Woods for everything else. I think this could work wonderfully for him, because he would get the math he needs and be back for a normal school day. . .though it may involve a study hall while everyone else in his grade is doing math.
If nothing else this school year, he has figured out the need for handwriting. So, he's very open to the idea of handwriting help from the school. It's progress.
gifted and talented