"... follow the leader down, and swallow.. your pride and drown"

Aug 23, 2005 01:37

Im not sure why Im even bothering.

field hockey- not enjoying it, which really sucks since its my favorite sport.
I really think the sports I play slowly start to suck more and more every year.. like, not talent wise.. just ahhhh I dont know!

it was a fun week all in all though.
hung out with JJ, Jonny and Marge on Wednesday.. those kids crack me up. :-P

Thursday I hung out with Samuel and Magre. "Honk hooonk" "Marge he see's us!!!" hahahhaha

Friday Marge came over, went tanning....more like went burning. :-/ Scrimmaged Poland, beat 'em.
went to the movies later on with MD, AD and Ray. I had a good time

Saturday we had a play day, I did terribly. Oh wow, I hated it. Spent the night at Caryns with LD that night.

Sunday, went shopping.. got some shoes, another Etnies shirt and a frame. I wanted to goto LD's, but Bren wouldnt let me. arrggg!

today, babysat and had practice. Hung out with JDR, Becky and LD had a grand time.

another play day tomorrrow, this time : St. Doms.

okay, I think thats good enough.
I just forgot to mention how shitty I feel.
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