"Whatever poison's in this bottle will leave me broken sore and stiff"

Jul 16, 2005 17:48

well well well...
what to say.

haven't updated in a while,
finally pretty much ungrounded.

allowed to drive now,
and soon enough I'm assuming he is going to let me FINALLY have friends over.. which is going to rock

last weekend went to Zenas and Jonny's, fun time
Watched one of the best movies ever at JDR's (Garden State)

went shopping sunday, got some stuff.
2 CD's: Lynyrd Skynyrd- Greatest Hits and The newest Audioslave CD- Out of Exile.. or something like that.
A new skirt, a new tanktop, new baithing suit, new capris, a few other things.

had an easy week of babysitting

this whole weeks been pretty nice, I've been soaking up the sun and swimming alot:)

Hung out with Zena earlier for a little while..
went shopping again..
had to take back my baithing suit, and they didnt have anything good so now Im stuck with the ugliest thing I've ever seen.. Im probably going to get made fun of.

got a beachish bag, a tanktop, some blank CD's, and two picture frames for Carn and Rach.

going to Rachels tomorrow.

well, now that I've bored everyone..
if anyone even reads this?

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