May 21, 2010 23:48
[Locked to Marco // 78% Unhackable]
Vash wants to contact Jennifer and try to help her. While I commend his plan, I believe that since Fenrir is offering to help - and I am going to contact him myself - a plan should be formulated as soon as we can manage it.
I know you've been discussing it more than I have. Any input you can offer, or information, or help, would be greatly appreciated.
Attention, fellow passengers.
As some of you may know, a green wolf known as Fenrir has offered to help us contain Jennifer. His suggestions for containment have been Carnival, and that he will help lure her there and contain her. His exact words as to this suggestion were: [She presses buttons on her communicator to play back the faint words from her conversation with Vash.]
"You must lure her, entice her with that which she holds dear.
Remember that she is merely a child. A child fearful of those who threatened to ravage her homeland, and a child who loves her pet. One of mine that she clings to, keeps close to her despite his passing.
Lure her to Carnival.
Bring her to me, and I shall swallow her whole!"
The implications seem to be that we need a dog, or a doglike creature, to bring her to Carnival.
Obviously, we must work together to do this. I am asking for your help. Any of you who have abilities that might be able to hinder her, or move her towards Carnival; anybody willing to act as a lure, or bait; anyone willing to do anything to help, please respond. It will be dangerous. There will be a high likelihood of death. But we finally have a chance to stop this girl.
[Call to arms finished, Rfena ends the transmission.]
[Locked to The Rowan and Remy // 78% Unhackable]
Rowan. Remy. I was told to contact you for information or assistance regarding halting Jennifer.
#the rowan,