Job hunt

Jun 14, 2007 01:16

Been making strides on the job front -- Safeway is making me utterly, utterly nuts, mostly in the Not Being Able to Schedule Anything -- I don't find out the week's schedule until the Friday before the Sunday the week starts, and my shifts are all evenings.

So, Ive submitted and app to the County for a possible corrections entry level thing (which would still pay at least half again what I'm making now.

I got an app for Library Page (another County job) and am looking into the possibility of getting into some kind of library certification/masters program, and asking myself, in one of those hitting myself over the head moments, why on earth I never thought of *actually being* a librarian before. I mean, the only teacher whose name I remember from Jr High is Mrs Carroll, the head librarian :-/ and somewhere I still have the journal/diary she gave me as a going away present when we moved to Cleveland.

I also spoke to the Kaplan office on the U of A campus and am very happy with how that went. I will be taking a test test, and scheduling an audition.

Also posting the faboo icon I got from temve in invoke the jobfindingness, and to share it with Those of You Who Need It.

Wish me luck, please, and that I can continue to persue what I need to do, even when the despair-monsters hover.


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