Busy Bee

Jul 19, 2006 13:09

Long time, no post, oh well.

I have been busy, though.

Got 2 stories, 2 poems and 3 pieces of art done for temve's Indigo Warrior zine

Got a spiffy new idea (helped along by seeing the Bog People exhibit) that I am researching and starting to write

Made 4 quick drapey tops out of sarongs

Working many hours at Safeway

Cleaning my Room (non-trivial, given the amount of Stuff I have in it.)

And, I have made all the files to have Definitely Decorative available at Constrict! I have the first 25 nearly printed out (will be done by this evening) and will be assembling them at the con (time-honored tradition, don'tcha know :-))

Yay! Constrict Tomorrow!!!!

zine, indigo

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