
Mar 04, 2006 22:15

Many happy birthdays (only a little late) to blucola and temve!

Happy dreams and wonderful years to you both.

I am starting to post my poetry under an f-lock, because I would like to be able to submit some of them for publication, and I've discovered that several venues won't take things that have been 'published' in open blogs. If there is anyone reading who *isn't* on my friendslist, sing out and I'll add you.

Safeway - I worked 30 hours in four days last week. Owwwwww did my feet, and shoulders, and *brain* hurt at the end, but I didn't make any ginormous mistakes, and have learned many many produce codes. Only 20 hours this week, for which I am grateful.

Pima - Humanities 251 goes well. They are through the Iliad, and I showed selected scenes from 'Troy' on Weds, with the intent that they compare and contrast the two. I hope for some good discussion on Monday.

Bookmaking - I did a critique of a pretty little art book called "On the Clouds" by Boomoon. I still have no clue what it is that Beata is expecting us to learn/get out of the class or what her actual assessment criteria are. I need to remember to email her to ask for pass/fail instead of a letter grade.

Working on the Accordion Book -- the theme is 'body' and it's due this coming Friday. I think I have finally nailed down what I am doing with it, and picked out the pictures to use. Currently I have 40. Janet says I should really only use about 20. I suspect she is right, but I haven't done much to reduce the number yet. Wrote a sonnet for the book, and want to try to write some kind of wrap-up verse. I'll have to see what strikes me when I get more of the images done.

Blacksmithing - I put bevels on all the stakes I made before, and finished four new ones. We had Special Effects -- one of the guys who has been around a while did a thing where he took what looked like shiny grey dust, put it in a clay pot on some fire-bricks in the sculpture-pouring area and set it alight. It burned very very brightly, and poured out of the small hole in the bottom of the pot (an ordinary small flowerpot) and pooled on the sand. It looked like a miniature volcano. After it cooled a bit, and he quenched it, he whacked at the lumps a bit and broke out several little shiny blobs of iron/steel and one bigger blob about the size of a lime. It was very impressive.

I wrote the beginnings of a poem in class, though looking at it it may be bits of two poems. Tom the instructor liked it.

The Addition - went with Dad to pick up some more of the furniture. We managed to get all four pieces in the Volvo, which was good. They came out easier than they went in for once, and are in their new homes in the addition. I need to finish the curtains for the living room and south-west room. Lots to do before the open house!

general, safeway, pima

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