I saw 15 films last year (02). (This is not counting the 4 times I watched Fellowship, 'cause I saw it first in 01, and repeat viewings don't count the same way :-))
A Beautiful Mind - Enjoyed, but not blown away by. Did very much enjoy RCrowe's performance, and the fidelity to academic life.
The Scorpion King - a fun romp. Decorative, funny, and did not take itself either too seriously or too lightly. Villain and traitor prince were So Doing It.
Star Wars Episode II, Attack of the Clones (10x) - Highly anticipated, greatly enjoyed on lots of screens, including IMAX (though the first IMAX viewing was on an older screen that was Too Small & was dizzy-making). But.... George, you can do better, I know you can. Obi-Wan was very spiff, and there was a Qui-Gon moment.
Gosford Park - Brilliant, beautiful and I want the dvd.
Minority Report - creepy in an interesting way. Looking forward to all the extras, particularly the 'what will the future be like' roundtable, on the dvd. Did not at all like the theatre I saw it in, though. (Jack London Sq)
Atanarjuat - Marvellous and thought-provoking. Beautiful and strange and mythic. Inuit legend, stunningly made real.
K-19 The Widowmaker (6x) - One of the other films I had been greatly anticipating, and it lived up to my hopes very well indeed. I was quite sorry it did not do better at the box office, though not for lack of my enthusiasm! Loved it, read both books, looking forward to perusing all the bits on the dvd (though
kivrin tells me there is little to no extra Liam). The oddest viewing was on the plane returning from my brother's wedding (that I was on because I agreed to be flown out later for a free round trip on United because of overbooking). Teeny-tiny airplane screen, dialogue just audible and the soundtrack hardly discernable at all. Made me really appreciate the score and the sound effects the more, seeing what lacked without them. Also what a hash the story became with cutting it down to a sanitized short version.
Spirited Away (Miyazaki) - lovely and satisfying.
Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever - And we went to see this why? 'Cause Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu are Pretty. And they were, and the fight scenes were nice, but boy was I glad we went to a cheap matinee.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Richard Harris (small, regretful sigh that there will be no more). Snape was lovely but there was too little of him, Lucius was perfect, Branagh could not have been better -- the portrait of him painting himself!!. A fine thing, but somehow not as magical as the first one.
Die Another Day - I liked it very well, and was surprisingly happy with the Madonna theme song. I want to go through the dvd and see if I can pick out more of the references to the previous 19 Bond films; I know the're there!
Solaris - we got free preview tickets to see it at the Kabuki. Beautiful theatre, pointless and irritating film. Very glad I had not paid to see it.
Treasure Planet (on IMAX) - Whee! Pretty and fun, and stayed just this side of preachy, for which I was grateful, as RLS does not.
Star Trek: Nemesis - I liked it, but it could have been so much better. I particularly wanted a different resolution wrt Shinzon. Pretty costumes, and nice acting, particularly Stewart and Tom Hardy.
LotR - The Two Towers (6, so far) - Glorious, etc, etc, etc. Can we have the extended dvd as soon as possible please? And The Return of the King? Please?
I want to see the first 10 minutes of Gangs of New York, but I don't think I want to see the whole thing.
And here is the quizzy thing
What type of LotR fan are you? brought to you by
Quizilla I actually did this twice, and the first time it said I was a Purist -- which I don't entirely agree with, as stated, because I love the film and understand & appreciate most of the reasons for the changes. I admit, on several of the questions I wanted to choose more than one answer -- the what do you have around your computer for one, favorite character (Gandalf AND Legolas, durnint, since I was 12, and Sean Bean sold me on Boromir) and some of them I had to just kind of pick something close because none of them were really right.
Actually, I probably am a purist :-) but Artistic with it