Happy Things

Nov 21, 2014 22:16

1. Happiest of Happies to
ickaimp. I hope the coming year is excellent to you. Also belated Happies to shadadukal

2. Gig of Awesome (Costume PA on a TV filming thing) continues to be awesome, even when things get rough, but I am glad it is nearly over, as 12-14 hour days make it Very Difficult to get much of anything at all else done.

3. Southern Crusades was lovely, even with Wind. I love my period-style bed, and the addition of thin foam sleeping mats under the mattress/futon meant I did not feel the slats at all.

4. Tíli and Z continue to be cats, in the best of ways. Tíli is 'helping' me type this post.

5. Tickets are now available for the Hobbit 3-film marathon, and while I do not yet have tickets, I soon shall. Buckets will be cried, I am quite sure.

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cattens, job, bdays, 5-things, sca

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