Ao3 Meme

May 10, 2014 21:24

I haven't posted in ages -- eep!

Not dead, semi-employed, been actively enjoying the last bits of cooler weather before the onslaught of consistent triple digits.

lost_spook posted this interesting meme:

Answer the following 10 questions based only on the stories you've posted to AO3:
1) Which fandoms have you written in?
2) Your best story title and why
3) Your worst story title and why
4) The most popular pairing you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)
5) The rarest pairing you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)
6) The most popular OT3/moresome you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)
7) The rarest OT3/moresome you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)
8) First story and latest story you posted to AO3
9) Your top ten pairings on AO3
10) How many stories have you written with no pairings/OT3/moresomes listed? What's the breakdown on your stories' ratings?

I currently have 338 (339 if you count the unrevealed Remix 11 fic) pieces on Ao3. This should be interesting.


1) Which fandoms have you written in?

Total number of fandoms: 107
Number of fandoms with one story: 62

The 45 with at least two stories are:
Highlander: The Series (76)
Original Work (46)
Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (39)
The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien (28)
The Hobbit (Jackson movies) (24)
Sanctuary (TV) (23)
Doctor Who (19)
Doctor Who: Virgin New Adventures - Various Authors (17)
Society for Creative Anachronism RPF (15)
American Idol RPF (15)
Glam Rock RPF (15)
The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien (12)
Doctor Who (1963) (10)
Westria Series - Diana Paxson (10)
Doctor Who (2005) (8)
The Hobbit - All Media Types (8)
TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works (8)
20th Century CE RPF (7)
Doctrine of Labyrinths - Sarah Monette (6)
Adam Lambert (Musician) (5)
Lord John Series - Diana Gabaldon (5)
The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (5)
Iskryne Series - Elizabeth Bear & Sarah Monette (5)
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (5)
Lymond Chronicles - Dorothy Dunnett (4)
Blake's 7 (4)
Babylon 5 (4)
The Roads of Heaven - Melissa Scott (4)
Star Trek: The Original Series (3)
Star Wars Original Trilogy (3)
Space Exploration RPF (2)
Artists RPF (2)
ALMA-TADEMA Lawrence - Works (2)
Fandom RPF (2)
Batman (Movies - Nolan) (2)
Lost Things - Melissa Scott & Jo Graham (2)
Anthropomorphism (2)
Fairy Tales & Related Fandoms (2)
Venetia - Georgette Heyer (2)
Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold (2)
Sleeping Beauty Series - A. N. Roquelaure (2)
Coldfire Trilogy - C. S. Friedman (2)
תנ"ך | Tanakh (2)
The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. (1953) (2)
Frederica - Georgette Heyer (2)

2) Your best story title and why

One title? You want me to pick just one?

Mail F(l)ight still amuses and pleases me.
Delayed Reaction A multitude of meanings in two words.

3) Your worst story title and why

I generally think about my titles a fair amount, poking at them until I like what I have, even if I don't love it, so there are very few I really dislike, even now.

To the Captain Meh. Not actually horrible, as a title, and I still can't think of a better. This is also the oldest thing of mine in the archive. That may be affecting my feeling about the title.

4) The most popular pairing you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)

Guessing: Duncan/Methos or Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan.

Kris Allen/Adam Lambert - 1633 (2)
Qui-Gon Jinn/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 790 (21)
Duncan MacLeod/Methos - 731 (10)
Sauli Koskinen/Adam Lambert - 678 (1)
Kili/Tauriel - 356 (1)
Montague John Druitt (Sanctuary)/Helen Magnus - 148 (1)
Adam Lambert/Original Male Character - 144 (1)
Aral Vorkosigan/Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan - 115 (1)

and after that is pairings where there are less than 100 stories

5) The rarest pairing you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)

I have written 28 pairings (out of 70 / or &) of which mine is the only fic in the archive. 25 of those are one-shots.

Lord John Grey/Methos (3)
Adam Lambert & Methos (2)
Denis Balthasar/Julian Chase Mago (2)
Nicolas the Chronicler/Prince Tristan (2)

I have written 3 pairings where mine is one of 2 stories, 2 pairings where mine is one of 3, one where mine are two of 3.

And that isn't counting the non-relationship fics where mine is/are the only ones in the fandom.

6) The most popular OT3/moresome you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)

Fili & Kili & Thorin Oakenshield - 158 (1)
Amanda Darieux/Duncan MacLeod/Methos - 14 (1)
Sanctuary's The Five - 10 (2)
Aidan Logan/Duncan MacLeod/Methos - 10 (1) (technically, there should be 12 stories)
Helen Magnus/Nikola Tesla/James Watson - 5 (1)

7) The rarest OT3/moresome you've written for (by the standard of how many stories exist for that pairing written by everyone on AO3)

Heloise Collins/Dr. Terwilliker/August Zabladowski - 0 (1) Yup, the archive does not believe this story exists under this tag, even though the tag exists. I will be sending in a support/tag request about it.

Andrew Carr/Callista Lanart/Ellemir Lanart/Damon Ridenow - 1 (1) (this really ought to have & between Callista and Ellemir, but I didn't want to confuse things.)

Bofur/Dwalin/Thorin Oakenshield - 2 (2)
Kjaran/Mar/Viradechtis - 2 (2)
Isolfr/Skjaldwulf/Vethulf - 4 (3)

8) First story and latest story you posted to AO3

The story I first posted to AO3 (has the lowest ID: 250) is: The Seven Virtues

The oldest piece is To the Captain written Nov 1977

The most recent piece posted is for Remix 11, to be revealed anonymously tomorrow, authors revealed a week from now.

The most recent visible piece is Song of Steel, written in part so I could ask/offer Silmarillion in Remix.

9) Your top ten pairings on AO3

Qui-Gon Jin/Obi-Wan Kenobi - 21
Duncan MacLeod/Methos - 12
Declan MacRae/James Watson - 6
Methos/OMC - 4
Montague John Druitt/James Watson - 3
Joe Dawson & Methos - 3
Isolfr/Skjaldwulf/Vethulf - 3
Lord John Grey/Methos - 3
-In 9th place are 10 relationships at 2 each, though the Bofur/Dwalin/Thorin one currently has several pieces in progress)
-In 10th place are 60 relationships at one each.

10) How many stories have you written with no pairings/OT3/moresomes listed? What's the breakdown on your stories' ratings?

Stories with no relationship tags: 234, but I need to go back and add in a bunch of & tags, because I posted many pieces before & was a thing. Some of those may also have unmarked background relationships as well.

Gen: 230
Teen: 58
Explicit: 31
Not Rated: 4

Gen: 233
M/M: 85
F/M: 16
Other: 12
Multi: 7
F/F: 4

That was interesting. And took a while.

At some point I may go through and work out the numbers by story/poetry/art/other.

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