Not dead! I seem to have acquired a cold. At least it waited until after coronation!
Still without actual job, but there are commissions, and stuff to do for my dad, and I am making things work.
The weather has finally, finally, finally cooled off.
Some very lovely things have happened, and I am going to concentrate on them.
1. Ivan and Ian'ka had a wonderful reign, that I got to be a major part of, and that is now done. We can all relax some now! I even managed to get a song written for them.
2. Ari and I were given Augmentations of Arms - Ari's is a quill for her griffin to hold, and mine is blue rose to go in the lower left-hand quadrant of my arms, balancing the white triskele in the upper right. I keep randomly grinning about that. They totally surprised us. Icka gave me a lovely blue resin rose yesterday at scribble.
3. I am really happy with both my HLH_Shortcuts assignment and my Yuletide assignment. Ideas are percolating, and I even have a sentence or so on one of them.
4. Day 5 of
miniwrimo, and it is going well. I have two drabble-ish bits and a song written so far. Not a lot of word-count, but more than the minimum.
5. I have friends and family who love me. Thank you all. I don't always remember to say it, but I am so glad you are in my life. Lovely long visit with Morgyn & Megan, and now they are safely home & I have the house to myself again. Both states are good. Z and Tíli are very happy to have me all to themselves.
*Sends hugs and love and good thoughts out to everyone*
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