Endeavor Onward

Sep 20, 2012 12:13

A little bit ago (11:15 or thereabouts, Arizona time) the Shuttle Endeavour flew over Tucson, on her way to her new home on the ground. The flight path was arranged to honor Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly (Kelly was her last pilot). I'm on Ron Barber's broadcast email list, and I just happened to see the note about it, at 11:12, so I was able to run outside and watch her go past.

I can't even describe how I feel, so I wrote a poem.

Endeavor Onward

A silver speck against the blue-white wideness of the desert sky;
Endeavour sails no longer to the stars,
But here she majestic flies, serene atop her custom ride
Honoring her final pilot, and one who worked to see her work go forth:
Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords, both grounded now as well,
Yet never ceasing their endeavors to carry on and upward,
Going forward.
Sentinal Peak salutes her, as do we who dwell in sight
Of that black mountain and the stars that shine above.
No cloud can dim that brightness, nor sorrow fade
The knowledge, the achievement she - and we - have wrought.
New craft will come, new hope spring up,
Inspired by both ladies, dauntless in their will;
New dreams shall see the day, made real with many hands
That reach and work not isolate, alone,
But with concerted effort, all together,
Endeavoring always onward, and reaching for the stars.

This entry was originally posted at http://lferion.dreamwidth.org/236617.html, where there are currently
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poetry, pics, space

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