Happy Arizona Statehood Day!

Feb 14, 2012 12:57

Today I choose to be happy with my state -- it is Arizona's 100th birthday/anniversary of Statehood.

So here are some things I really do love about Arizona:

The mountains, the fabulous sunsets (and sunrises, but I'm very rarely up that early), the stars & the astronomy that happens here, the smell of the desert after rain (and we got a lovely storm today, so I got to enjoy that lovely thing), having the windows open in February, horny-toads, those blue flowers that look like tiny spherical explosions on stalks (haven't seen any of them in a long time though), the copper dome of the statehouse, all my friends and family who live here, and other things I am sure I am forgetting.

Thank you to all you lovely people who sent me hearts! *Hugs you all*

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season, weather, bdays, happy things, aztlan, gip

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