Block of the Month squares

Jan 05, 2011 21:57

I am doing a block of the month quilt called 'Sisters' through Bella Quiltworks. Here are the squares for November and December:

Sixteen-Patch squares for November

Bearclaw squares for December

Today I made the December squares, and did a revision of the new paragraph in Lavender House: Invocation. That is off to beta, and I hope to post it tomorrow or so.

I also got all of my feedback for Yuletide responded to. The story with the most comments is actually the Madness piece Candles in the Snow, which is a good one to have popular.

January creativity is going quite nicely so far!

Someone posted an Adam mood-theme the other day, which I am going to have to find & download, and figure out how to use.

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quilting, janmo, pics, writing, adam lambert

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