Nano November day 19

Nov 19, 2010 23:49

35011 words! Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my! -- actually the story contains very little in the way of 4-legged critters, but OMGBEARS seems appropriate anyway. The strands of the HLH story are spinning up into something that is beginning to resemble actual story, which is a great relief.

Yuletide signups are closed, and the Magical Matching Machinery is chugging along, so assignments should happen shortly. I am quite exited to see what I will get. And at the end, there were 5 offers on one of my fandoms (4 of which Are Not Me) and 2 & 1 respectively on other requests I made, leaving only one unoffered by anyone other than me.

Next week is Thanksgiving. How the heck did that happen?

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yuletide, season, nanowrimo, writing

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