Nano November day 2

Nov 02, 2010 11:57

(Image borrowed from; lunaris is encouraging anyone voting in the US today to use)

A line (short, but a line, where I have never before seen a line) and many many sour-faced old people (not all of them chronologically old, and not all the chronologically old were sour) wearing hats, and I was depressingly reminded that I live in a horribly, intrenchedly red state. Still, turnout is good, and directly ahead of me in line was a fairly decorative young man with some pretty astonishingly exuberant hair -- he made me smile.

Words were more treacle-like today at the start, though I did make 2k total. Including a thing that grew directly out of the fact that it is election day, and Methos is kind of boggled about the whole thing. So am I, frankly. But that is part of the joy of NaNo, I guess -- the story grabing hold & running.

For work-work I got an entire draft of one of my books out. Not quite a review-draft, but aaaaalmost.

And, over the weekend I signed up to do a block of the month quilt with my sister S (the quilt is called Sisters, how could we not?) and here is the first of the blocks:

And Tucson-mom is home from the hospital, recovering nicely.

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civics, quilting, nanowrimo, family, writing, 5-things

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