Post of things I promised people at Con*Strict

Jul 14, 2010 13:06

For batagur: My pinch-hit story that I wrote for Yuletide
Title: Perspective
Fandom: Anne McCaffrey - Dragonriders of Pern
Summary: The Red Star through Eye Rock, two points of view

For antennapedia: the story I wrote for Remix and never actually got around to posting here
Title: Hic Draconis (The Adam Serpens Orientis Remix)
Fandom: Glam RPF
Original author:
Original story: Adam Japan Dragon
Summary: Dragon Adam, steadfast Kris

roga's most wonderful and spot on West Wing/Adam Lambert fic written in reaction to the AMA thing: Post Lambert, Ergo Propter Lambert

This entry was originally posted at, where there are currently
comments. Please comment there using OpenID.

recs, yuletide, constrict, remix, writing, adam lambert, dragons

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