Happy Guy Fawkes Day

Nov 05, 2009 09:16

Oh always remember the Fifth of November, with Gunpowder, Treason and Plot!

(Or something like that, anyway :-)

Nothing deep to say today. I got the two halloween costumes done, and have some pictures to post. I am making progress on the third commission & expect to have it done soon. I need to get my Bowie-fest fic done this weekend, as well as two pieces of poetry for Saturday Coronation. I need to decide if I'm going to sign up for Yuletide (I suspect the answer to that will be yes...)

Kelly Clarkson concert Saturday evening - fortunately Coronation is in Glendale, and quite close to the fairgrounds, so M & I will be able to see a little of the fair as well, which will be nice.

Dinner with the parents tonight, and then a Talk. I dread Talks, even when there is nothing specific to dread. Oh well.

Cloudy but still weirdly warm for the season. It got up to 91 yesterday, matching the record, and is expected to be about the same today. Normal is *75*. Gah.

Love, love, loving Adam's 'For Your Entertainment' - now available on iTunes here (I hope that link works!) - and so looking forward to the whole album. So far I have managed to not listen to the snippets that were leaked earlier. I really want the songs to speak to me in their entirety, especially as I was so impressed with FYE on first listen.

I'm looking forward to Kris & Allison's albums too, but not with quite the same hopping up & down eagerness. I expect to enjoy them, but don't anticipate amazement.

season, ai8, weather, family, writing, personal, music

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