Fic: High Voltage [AI8 RPF, gen, G]

Jul 27, 2009 12:39

Title: High Voltage
Author: Lferion
Fandom: American Idol 8 RPF
Characters: Adam
Rating: G
Length: 220
Notes: Originally written & posted as comment-fic in astolat's journal here.

Adam has always known who he was, that he was himself, that he was Adam Lambert, but it took a while to understand what that meant, how who he was fit with who everyone else was, how the world seemed to be. That who he was in his head was - could - had to - translate into who he was in his body, in his whole person. It is so easy to get lost (it's not lost, precisely; he never loses who he is or forgets that he is himself, but totally caught up in the music, the part, the experience, yeah, that he does) in the sense (scent, sensual, sensory, sensible, the logic of this note following that one, this gesture flowing from both, the way the light should fall glimmering on a curve of cheek-wrist-throat, sparkle of color, gleam and shine of leather-silk-metal, and all of it - fleshfeelingspiritself - transmuted into Expression, into Song) of performing, of doing, that it took him a long time not just to integrate the pieces of who he was and what he wanted, but to figure out how to be himself outside of his head as well as inside. How to just be Adam Lambert, on stage and off, sexy, sincere, glittering and fierce.

And then he went to Burning Man.

220 words. It seemed appropriate :-)

I have an American Idol/Adam Lambert posting filter, currently with only those people I know don't mind the fandom/rpfness, which isn't very many of you. Sing out if you want in. If you can see this post on LJ or this post on Dreamwidth you are already there. If you are there and *don't* want to be, let me know that too.

...Random comment is random: previewing this just now, I see that tags show up in the DW preview! Yay!

ai8, rpf, writing, fic, adam lambert, drabbles

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