Misc Journaling

Sep 02, 2008 14:48

First off: Happy belated birthdays to kyrakai and baroness_eilis, and happy birthday tomorrow to bearmum! I hope your days were/will be lovely ones and the coming year even better!

Civics: It's a voting day here in AZ -- Primary election in Pima County. I note that the polling place is different from the last. I wonder if the Nov election polling place will be in yet another place -- not a repeat yet here. I'll be dotting out presently to find it & cast my vote.

Stupid Computer Tricks: I'm working away, and the automatic software downloader (the work one) pops up & starts dl-ing & installing .... an update to the AT&T dial-in program. Which, duh, crashes the instant it stops the AT&T client it is coming through on. Which it broke, permanent-like, so now I can't dial in at all. I guess I'm going in tomorrow whether I want to or not, since I can't exactly do a lot without it. Gah. I wish I'd read the bloody thing a little more closely & told it NO. Oh well.

SCA: Mace and Greatsword was a lovely event at one of the most beautiful campgrounds in the kingdom -- Gardner Canyon on Ft Huachuca. A little damp, but that was ok.

I am now the duly sworn Black Boar Herald of Tir Ysgithr. I do hope I'm not going to regret that.

Fannish Stuff: I am almost caught up on Torchwood/Dr Who. I watched the last 4 episodes of S2 of Torchwood last night, alternately biting my nails, whimpering, and occasionally crying. That stuff packs a real punch. Marsters as John just *slew* me. Damn but that man can act, and the energy between Jack & John is so amazing.

I'd watched Who up through "Midnight" before catching up on Torchwood, so then I watched "The Stolen Earth" (and had a strong Highlander: The Source flashback moment, but in a omygod I could make this work good way when the 26 other planets in the sky shot appeared). Really nice seeing the different companions/teams working together. And Harriet Jones! FTW! (I've made an icon of her, which I am using not for this post, but for posts & comments about the current first-world political stuff.) I didn't watch "Journey's End" last night because it was already way late and I wanted to be awake & appreciate it. So that's what I have on the plan for tonight.

I also hope to finish the next set of 6 badge-holder necklace things I'm making for the PWFC Roadtrip in November. I've worked out a much faster way of doing them than I was using originally (I'm not wrapping the loops except on the hooks, and it goes Much Quicker, though I realized I needed to put in more spacer-beads without the extra length of the wrapping). That'll make 24 done. I really need to get cracking on the rest.

Writing: I posted my long (23,000 words) bonus-track fic "Indigo and Iron" to Master-Apprentice and Skyehawke. I'll do a proper link-post presently. I've got the other fic I did for the Indigo Warrior zine ready to post (it's only 3500 words so I'll post it in full) and then there is just the last Yuletide fic to post.

I want to get back to doing actual *writing*.

hl, bdays, pwfc, personal, indigo, sca, tpm, civics, computer, drwho, writing

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