I have many-several lovely new icons, courtesy of
shadadukal from the
livelongnmarry auction.
I took the opportunity while uploading them to upload sundry others that I had been meaning to get around to, and it occurred to me that I wished one could tag -- or something -- icons. I use mine for different things, and several of my icons serve more than one purpose. I thought it would be nice to be able to sort them in more than one way. I don't find 'in order of upload' (the way they show up on the main manage-icons page) to be at all useful. I like to being able to sort alphabetical by keyword (which is how the user-pic choice menu works now)but I'd also like to sort by, say, 'mood' or 'fandom' or some other way. I wonder if that's possible? I think I shall float this query on the DW-discuss list.
And speaking of tags, I really really wish there were dropdowns/choicelists for them on posting pages!